Environmental Policy!

Environmental Policy

1. Introduction:
ONSITE is committed to conducting its operations in an environmentally sustainable manner. As a leading provider of IT consultancy, cyber security solutions, technology solution design, project implementation, and support services, we recognize our responsibility to minimize our environmental impact while delivering innovative solutions to our clients.
2. Scope: This policy applies to all aspects of our operations, including offices, data centers, client engagements, and supply chain activities. It covers our employees, contractors, and partners working under ONSITE.
3. Objectives:
To demonstrate environmental leadership, ONSITE will:
Implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency.
Promote sustainable resource use, including the reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials.
4. Key Environmental Commitments
4.1 Energy Efficiency
Optimize energy usage in our offices, data centers, and during the deployment of client projects.
Use energy-efficient equipment and implement monitoring systems to identify and reduce unnecessary energy consumption.
4.2 Waste Management
Minimize waste generated from operations by promoting recycling programs and responsible disposal methods.
4.3 Sustainable Procurement
Source environmentally friendly products and services wherever feasible.
4.4 Transportation
Encourage remote collaboration to reduce travel-related emissions.
Promote the use of energy-efficient vehicles or public transportation for business travel.
4.5 Awareness and Training
Educate employees on environmental issues and best practices.
5. Implementation: To ensure the effectiveness of this policy, ONSITE will:
Higher Management oversee environmental initiatives and track performance.
6. Continuous Improvement:
We are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance by:
Monitoring advancements in technology to adopt cleaner and more efficient solutions.
Regularly reviewing and updating this policy to reflect our evolving goals and responsibilities.
7. Reporting and Accountability:
ONSITE will Publish an annual Environmental Impact Report outlining achievements and areas for improvement.
Encourage transparency by making this policy and related reports available to the public.
8. Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure alignment with new environmental standards and our organizational objectives.

This policy is endorsed by the leadership of ONSITE & this document will be shared with employees, clients, and other stakeholders to demonstrate ONSITE's commitment to Environmental Policy compliance.
Document Created Date: 1st January 2024, Revision Number: 1.0.

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